Friday, February 19, 2010

Hair Fall Batra Hospital Lichen Planus......anyone Knows About It....??

Lichen Planus......anyone knows about it....?? - hair fall batra hospital

So I took homeopathic Dr. Batra Medicen to hair loss control for 3 years .... Suddenly, a few spots appeared on the scalp, r violet ... First, the doctor diagnosed alopecia aerate and gave her medication for 4 months ... the medical director said it was Lichen Planus and the growth of new hair is in this patch is not possible .... The patch is in the middle of the hair, the guests .... not so big and hair loss of the party is not that much ..... But the problem is not checked ... In that the revision still .... Purple I also developed a very, very small patches 5 (2 mm) in the stomach .....
Please give me an idea .... Lichen Planus is curable? How? Please help me in this .... thank u. ..


My Kid's Mom said...

Curable, is yes. If you are not with the right homeopath likely. Even if it is effective, of course, homeopathy is practiced widely in other parts of the world, traditional medicine. Hair loss is easily treatable (whether due to stress, and not necessarily genetic). Lichen Planus responded well - although I doubt it, because its development is in custody for so long. Those who are certified by the Board of Education for homeopathic medicines more attention to mind, of homeopathy cure.

Of course, back to your homeopath get the explanations you need. If you have questions - or perhaps independently, as someone else.

There is too much information (eg file this case), we need to see betterWe understand your situation. This is my proposal, but on my own family practice and training.

Evan said...

LP of the skin with a reddish-purple, flat strokes can be very annoying. Some may look like white lace, as Wickham's striae. You can go everywhere in the body, but appear to the inside of the wrists and ankles to favor. The disease can also occur in the lower back, neck, legs, genitals, and in rare cases, scalp and nails. LP in the legs is usually much darker in appearance. It can stain the skin LP (hypertrophic), particularly on the shins. The bubbles are rare, except in specific cases, called bullous LP. Although the typical appearance of the LP is somewhat easy to identify the disease, a skin biopsy may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

LP of the skin usually causes few problems and need no treatment. If no serious itiching help. ManCases of LP and disappear within two years. As it heals, LP often leaves a dark brown skin. Since the skin itself, such stains can disappear over time without treatment. Around a fifth of a second attack of the LP.

There is no known cure for the LP, but the treatment is often effective in relieving pruritus improved and the appearance of the rash until it disappears. Since each case is different from the LP, no treatment is perfect. The two most common treatments include the use of topical corticosteroid creams, ointments or other anti-inflammatory drugs and oral antihistamines. Severe cases of LP may need more medications such as cortisone internally or a specific form of treatment used with ultraviolet light than PUVA.Discuss possible side effects of medications with your dermatologist.

As with other skin diseases, on the advice of your dermatologist is the best approach for dealing with LP. What new areas are made of the LP to the damaged skin, try to avoid injury.

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